“M” is 6 Months Old!! Franklin Baby & Child Photographer

I was so excited to get to see this family again today.  I took “M’s” 3 month shots and he still has the most beautiful blue eyes I’ve ever seen!  The family picked out an awesome spot for our shoot. For “M’s” 3 month shots, daddy kept pulling out all these awesome antique props and this time they picked out a great location. I think they have an eye for photography! “M” is one of my favorites and he was such a good boy.  I did not do a thing to his eyes, they really are this beautiful!  “M’s” family bough my “baby steps” package so I’m so excited to get to watch him grow for his 9 month and 1 year pictures too!  I so enjoying watching these little ones grow!

"M" is 36 months old!