My Inspiration- Nashville, TN Lifestyle Child Photographer

From time to time, I’d love to share with my readers pictures and stories from my personal life and just feel like this picture is too good not to share.  My daughter is my crazy, but wonderful inspiration.  My love for photography truly deepened when she came into this world.  Capturing moments of her life became so special to me.  She is such a crazy, fun, silly girl, but every time she had her pictures taken, she would turned into an absolute grump! I hated that the photographs didn’t capture her smiles and silliness.  It is my goal with every session to spend time making sure to capture the essence of your children (even if that means staying a little longer to get that smile)!!  I hope you all get a laugh out of this picture.  It is not one for the walls, but is precious none the less because it is so her and that is what photography is about to me.  I am truly blessed!

Lifestyle Child Portrait