Beautiful Girl in Field of Clover | Nashville Child Portraits

It has been my new goal to capture those beautiful portraits of MY OWN children.  This is my beautiful little girl and the reason I started photography.  I look at her and cannot believe how old she looks.  I want to bottle up this time and keep her my precious little girl forever.  I always want her to think I’m “cool” and want to snuggle at night, but since freezing time is not an option I want to make sure I capture every moment of her sweet life.  I want to capture the essence of her so I can keep those memories forever.  Photographing my own children is surprisingly more stressful than photographing other children, but we had such a wonderful time capturing these images.  She helped come up with some of her own poses, picked flowers and had fun practicing ballet in the field of clover.  I’m pretty sure some of these images will be decorating our walls soon.  THIS is why I love photography.  Capturing the essence of childhood!

Little girl posed in field of flowers

Child portrait in field of flowers on vintage suitcase

Little Girl Smiles for portrait

Little Girl smiling at camera

Child blows dandelion

LIttle Girl blowing dandelion in Nashville